Leader - The highest rank only one person maybe Primach of the chapter they
rule all.
Chapter Masters - Their number is unknown but have all but the power to full rule the chapter they still
answer to the primach.
Grand Masters - Think of these as marshalls a powerful warrior and diplomat with the benifits
of being a Chapter master but are used as elite bodyguard leaders.
High Inquistors - They hunt herarcy no matter
who or where it is in the chapter they have underlings to help them normal inquisitors can only interrogate to brother captians
Acolytes are the trainees to the inquisiton.
Brother Captain. A second to only chapter masters. Can lead squads
but can only recruit.
Libarians - Similar to the brother captians but with one difference they cannot recruit.But
in its place they take and test the recruits training them for battle and seeing if they are worthy to join us my brothers...
Sargents - They run the normal squads once they have been through the liberians training. They answer to liberians,
Brother captains, inquisitors and high inquistors and the primach.
Honour Guard - This is for the higher veterans the best fighters the most loyal go into battle side
by side with the grandmaster as the most powerful. Guard to the Primach, Liberains and Chapter masters.
- After a while in battle a brother respected, honourable and trusted will be asked by a grandmaster to become a veteran these
are the elite of the battle brothers.
Battle Brother - Standard member of the chapter brotherhood.
Scouts - Our first rank this group tend to need training by a libarian rank to make sure when they become
Battle Brothers they can prove themselves in battle.
Promotion up to vetran sargent - There is a way to
get your rank up if your a scout to get to battle brother rank you need to recruit three new people that stay. Then for battle
brother ranks to get a veteran status they will need six recruits (note if a scout first the recruits are not cumaltive so
has to be six new poeple excluding the three you brought in to gainthe rank) then from veteran to veteran sargent you need
nine recruits (same thing applies not cumlative) you can get promoted up by merit alone but this is a fast track system for those
eager to earn ranks.